
Syncing delays during Now Playing

Use this article if:

It's taking longer than usual for the following to occur during Now Playing:

  • Student names highlighting in blue once their card is scanned
  • Using the mobile app to reveal the correct answer and/or show the graph after scanning
  • Using the mobile app to switch questions in a Set
If you're noticing delays in the time it takes for the mobile app to communicate with during a Plickers session, please send us an email at and include as much info from the steps below as you can. This will help us locate the issue as efficiently as possible (thanks in advance!).

If you're not able to access Plickers at all (either through the app or, please head over to this article.

Step 1: For your IT team

There is a specific domain associated with the syncing process that can sometimes be blocked on wifi networks. So the first step would be to check in with your IT team to see if they can unblock (or 'whitelist') the following:

wss:// on port 443

As a bit of background, Pusher is an application used to facilitate communication between the Plickers app on your mobile device and on your computer.

  More info

For more details on how this and other domains are used within Plickers, please head over to our dedicated article linked here.

Step 2: Diagnostic tests

If the above doesn't solve the issue, there are also a few diagnostic tests that will help us find the issue. Please try the below and let us know what you find:


It's possible to try these diagnostic tests outside class without your students present. To do so, start playing a Set or Question for a Plickers Class as you would normally. You can then scan the cards in the document linked here from your screen, in order to move through your questions.

  • It might be that the root of the issue is within your network. So, it would be helpful to know if using mobile data helps.

    The first test then is to try using mobile data just for the Plickers app on your mobile device, by simply turning off wifi on your mobile device (you can stay connected to wifi on your computer).

    Please let us know if things improve with your Plickers session as a result. We'll then investigate further, to get you back onto wifi.

    If it doesn't improve things, please move on to the next diagnostic test below.

  • Please follow the steps below:

    1. Log in to Plickers on both your computer and mobile device
    2. Start a Plickers session for one of your Classes
    3. Open the scanner and scan a couple of cards from the document linked here
    4. Stop scanning
    5. From your mobile device, select 'Show Correct'
    6. If the correct answer doesn't then show on your computer (the Now Playing screen at, refresh the page on your computer

    Please let us know if the correct answer shows on your computer after you refresh.

    If it doesn't show, please move on to the next diagnostic test below.

  • We'll turn back to the network connection for this one.

    Again, please try using mobile data, but this time for both the app on your mobile device and for on your computer.

    You can use mobile data on your computer by connecting to a hotspot from your mobile device. If you need guidance on how to do this, please contact us at

    If this solves the issue (and the tests above didn't), please let us know.

    It's worth noting that this step can be seen as both a diagnostic test and a temporary workaround, so you can continue using Plickers (while we investigate the situation further).

We hope the above information is helpful for your situation. If not, please contact us at (with a few details about what you've tried above) and we'll investigate as soon as possible.

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