In this guide, we go through how to remove items from your previously assembled Queue. This situation may come up, for instance, if the Set you've created is no longer relevant for the lesson you have planned.
Before we get started, if you'd like more information on the Class Queue in general, head over to our dedicated article here.
Flash guide
- In the left-hand sidebar of, select the Class you're working with
- Seek out the content item to be removed from your Queue, and hover your cursor over it
- Click the 'x' icon that appears at the top right of the item
- Alternatively, right-click on the item, and select Remove
You can use either or the Plickers mobile app to take an item out of your Queue:
There are two methods you can use to remove items from your Class Queue(s), depending on your situation, which we've listed in the toggle boxes below.
Our recommended route allows you to organize a Queue for a specific Class from one central location.
The alternative method is useful if you have one item in particular that needs to be removed from several Class Queues.
Once again, this route allows you to organize a Queue for a specific Class conveniently from one location.
Log in to on your laptop/computer
Click on the Class you'd like to work with (from your left-hand sidebar)
You'll be taken to the Class Homepage and your Queue will be immediately visible.
Hover your cursor over the item you'd like to remove from your Queue
You'll see an 'x' appear in the top right-hand corner of the item section.
Click the 'x' button
Your item will be removed from the Class Queue.
To add it again, you can select the blue Add to Queue button, located at the bottom of the Queue section of your Class Homepage.
TipIf you prefer, you can also right-click on the item you'd like to remove from the Queue. In the menu that appears, you'll see the Remove option at the bottom of the list.
Once again, this method is useful if you have one item in particular to be removed from several Class Queues within your Plickers account.
Log in to on your laptop/computer
Make sure you're in the Your Library or Recent view (you can select it from the left-hand sidebar if not).
Select your content item in Your Library
The item will be highlighted in blue, and you'll see several options appear in the right-hand sidebar.
TipFrom this view, you can see which Classes a content item is queued up for. The relevant Classes are listed underneath the image of your content on the right, for example the blue box called 'Period 2 Math' in the screenshot above.
Click on 'Add to Queue' at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar
A pop-up menu will appear, containing a list of all your Classes, which is separated into two sections called Add to and Currently in.
Notice that the Classes under the heading Currently in have an 'x' located on the right.
Click on the Class for which you'd like to remove the item
Make sure that it's under the Currently in heading, like the below:
Your item will then be removed from that particular Class Queue.
Head back up to check out the mobile app route
Open the Plickers mobile app and sign in
Tap on the Classes icon
at the bottom of the screen
Select the Class you'd like to work with
You'll be taken straight to your Class Queue, which looks something like this (the design varies slightly by operating system):
Tap the '3-dot' icon (
) to the right of your item title
Select 'Remove from Queue'
You'll see the item disappear, and your subsequent items move up one position.
Head back up to check out the route
We hope this guide on removing content from your Class Queues was helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch via email (at or through our web form here.
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