
How to unarchive a Class

Flash guide  

  1. At, click on Your Classes in the left-hand sidebar
  2. Select the Archived Classes button at the top of the popup window
  3. Locate your Class and select Make Active
  4. Click Done
To bring a Class back from your archive to your main list, so that it appears in your left-hand sidebar at, follow the steps below:
  1. Log in to on your laptop/computer

  2. Click on 'Your Classes' in the left-hand sidebar

    When you hover your cursor over 'Your Classes', you'll see the word 'Edit' appear, like in the screenshot below:


    A pop-up window will appear, showing your active classes.

  3. Select the 'Archived Classes' tab at the top


    Your list of previously archived Classes will appear.

  4. Locate your Class and click 'Make Active'

  5. Check your 'Active Classes' list

    You'll see that your Class has moved back over to the Active Classes tab. It will now appear in the left-hand sidebar of your homepage.Active_class_here_it_is.png

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